MEV Protocol

In this guide, we will talk about what happens when something goes wrong while you work with the API. Mistakes happen, and mostly they will be yours, not ours. Let's look at some status codes and error types you might encounter.

You can tell if your request was successful by checking the status code when receiving an API response. If a response comes back unsuccessful, you can use the error type and error message to figure out what has gone wrong and do some rudimentary debugging (before contacting support).


Beacon Chain Staking

The WagyuStaker contract enables the seamless staking of Ether on the Beacon Chain. By directly interfacing with the BeaconChainDepositContract, this contract empowers users to register validators and earn rewards within the Ethereum 2.0 ecosystem.

Core Functionality

The WagyuStaker contract offers the following key features:

  • Validator Registration: Users can deposit Ether and initiate the registration of a validator on the Beacon Chain.

  • Oracle Integration: Updates the contract's balance and validator count based on real-time data from the MevEth contract.

  • Reward Distribution: Facilitates the distribution of rewards to the MevEth contract, enhancing overall yield opportunities.

  • Token Recovery: Allows the recovery of mistakenly sent tokens to the contract.

  • Beneficiary Management: Enables the assignment of a beneficiary address for fund recovery in case of unforeseen issues.

Contract Details

  • State Variables:

    • balance: The total amount of staked Ether on the Beacon Chain.
    • beneficiary: The address designated to manage fund recovery.
    • validators: The count of validators registered under this contract.
    • MEV_ETH: The address of the MevEth contract.
    • BEACON_CHAIN_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT: The address of the BeaconChainDepositContract.
  • Events:

    • NewValidator: Emitted upon successful registration of a new validator, providing key registration data.
    • TokenRecovered: Emitted when tokens are recovered from the contract.
    • RewardsPaid: Emitted when rewards are distributed to the MevEth contract.
    • ValidatorWithdraw: Emitted when funds representing a validator withdrawal are sent to the MevEth contract.
    • BeneficiaryUpdated: Emitted when the beneficiary address is updated.
  • Constructor:

    • Initializes the contract with the addresses of the MevEth contract and BeaconChainDepositContract. Assigns the initial beneficiary as the contract's owner.


  • deposit(IStakingModule.ValidatorData calldata data, bytes32 latestDepositRoot) external payable: Allows the MevEth contract to initiate validator registration by depositing the required Ether. Validates deposit amount and ensures data integrity before initiating the deposit process.

  • oracleUpdate(uint256 newBalance, uint256 newValidators) external: Allows the MevEth contract to update the contract's balance and validator count based on oracle data.

  • payRewards() external: Allows the MevEth contract's operator to distribute rewards to the MevEth contract. In case of error, secures funds to the beneficiary for manual allocation.

  • payValidatorWithdraw(uint256 amount) external: Enables the admin to distribute MevEth when withdrawing funds from a validator.

  • recoverToken(address token, address recipient, uint256 amount) external: Allows the admin to recover mistakenly sent tokens to the contract.

  • setNewBeneficiary(address newBeneficiary) external: Allows the admin to update the beneficiary address for fund recovery.

  • receive() external payable: Receives Ether sent to the contract.

Security Considerations

The contract leverages role-based access control to ensure proper authorization for key functions. The ability to recover tokens and set a new beneficiary is restricted to the contract's admin.

Future Enhancements

The WagyuStaker contract is expected to undergo further development to enhance functionality, improve security, and optimize rewards distribution.

Transaction Status codes

Block TagsDescription
earliestThe lowest numbered block the client has available
finalizedThe most recent crypto-economically secure block cannot be re-orged outside of manual intervention driven by community coordination
safeThe most recent block that is safe from re-orgs under honest majority and certain synchronicity assumptions
unsafeThe most recent block in the canonical chain observed by the client this block can be re-orged out of the canonical chain
pendingA sample next block built by the client on top of unsafe and containing the set of transactions usually taken from local mempool
latestDEPRECATED Currently an alias for unsafe will be removed at some point in the future

Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by the Protocol API. Use these to understand if a request was successful.

  • Name

    A UNCHECKED status code indicates transaction status has not been checked and there's no information about it.

  • Name

    A PROCESSING status code indicates Tx checks are in place until a resolution happens: RESULT/OK, INDETERMINATE, ERROR. problem.

  • Name

    A INDETERMINATE status code indicates Services received correctly the Tx && at least one miner accepted the TX && TX potentially mineable

  • Name

    A Result status code indicates Success/OK. Services received the transaction all downstream validators have accepted without issue. Transaction has been included successfully & receipt is included in response.

  • Name

    A ERROR status code indicates that the services haven't received the TX || none of the miners accepted the Tx || Tx was not mined successfully

Error types

Whenever a request is unsuccessful, the Protocol API will return an error response with an error type and message. You can use this information to understand better what has gone wrong and how to fix it. Most of the error messages are pretty helpful and actionable.

Here is a list of the two error types supported by the Protocol API — use these to understand what you have done wrong.

  • Name

    Invariant Violation: Protocol returns falsy

  • Name

    Invalid Request: This means that you made an error, may be related to a value or permissions.

Parse Transaction Error response

export const parseReasonCode = (messageData: string): string => {
  // Get the length of the revert reason
  const strLen = parseInt(messageData.slice(8 + 64, 8 + 128), 16);
  // Using the length and known offset, extract and convert the revert reason
  const reasonCodeHex = messageData.slice(8 + 128, 8 + 128 + strLen * 2);
  // Convert reason from hex to string
  const reason = toUtf8String('0x' + reasonCodeHex);

  return reason;

Error Code Appendix



error StakingPaused();


error NotEnoughEth();


error ZeroValue();


error InvalidOperator();


error DepositTooSmall();


error InvalidSender();


error PrematureStakingModuleUpdateFinalization();


error PrematureMevEthShareVaultUpdateFinalization();


error InvalidPendingStakingModule();


error InvalidPendingMevEthShareVault();


error TransferExceedsAllowance();


error TransferFailed();


error ZeroAddress();


error AlreadyInitialized();


error SendError();


error FeesTooHigh();


error WrongDepositAmount();


error WrongWithdrawAmount();


error UnAuthorizedCaller();


error WithdrawTooSmall();


error NotFinalised();


error AlreadyClaimed();


error AlreadyFinalised();


error IndexExceedsQueueLength();


error DepositWasFrontrun();


error SandwichProtection();


error NonZeroVaultBalance();

Unusual Error Codes


error DepositWasFrontrun();


error SandwichProtection();

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